Secure Care Pathway
Ideally before you come to the GSC you and those important to you will have had the chance to have a look at this website to help you see a bit about the GSC before you arrive!
When you turn into our grounds, you will come down a large driveway where you will see our main building and 2 cottages (River View and Hill View).
When you arrive, you will be met by 2 GSC staff (Duty Officer and House Staff), who will introduce themselves to you and those you have arrived with. They will show you into our Welcome Room, where they will have a chat with you and let you know what will happen to support your arrival.
This will include some form of search, which will have been agreed between the GSC and your social work department. The reasons for the level of search will be fully discussed with you before it happens and you need to provide your consent to this. The level of search will be determined by your circumstances before arriving at the GSC and from a risk assessment. The search is to ensure we can keep you and everyone else at the GSC safe.
After this, the house staff member will go through some forms with you, to support your stay with us at the GSC. Once these are completed, if you feel up for it (also depending what time you arrive), you will be given a tour of the house you are moving into and introduced to the other young people staying there and house staff. If you don’t feel up for this and want to go straight to your room, that’s ok too! House staff will check on you regularly, to ensure you are ok. You don’t need to engage with us if you don’t want to, we just want to check that you are safe. These checks can happen more or less often depending on your risk assessment.
A ’planning meeting’ will happen within 72 hours of you arriving, you are more than welcome to attend if you want to. This meeting allows GSC staff to get a better idea of how best to care for you and what we can do to support you during your stay at the GSC.
After you arrive, you will also have Children’s Hearing’s taking place. These hearings will decide if you continue to meet the legal threshold for Secure Care. House staff will support you with these hearings.
Sometimes it can be agreed you will be given some time to settle in before we begin our assessment.
Assessment Period
During your stay at the GSC, we will do a full assessment of your needs. You will be as included in this as you want to be.
We use a number of different tools to do this, including MyStar, START:AV staff observations etc. These assessments will inform our final assessment, which will give information about your life before you came to stay at the GSC and how your stay at the GSC has been since you arrived.
This assessment will also help complete your care plan and identify what we should focus on during your stay at the GSC. This assessment and care plan will be discussed at your assessment conference, where any changes can be made. Again, you are encouraged to be fully involved in this as it’s about you! Your advocate can support you during these meetings or advocate on your behalf if you don’t want to attend.